Subj : Re: Russia's Endgame
To   : Moondog
From : Andeddu
Date : Sun Oct 09 2022 07:46 pm

 Re: Re: Russia's Endgame
 By: Moondog to Andeddu on Sat Oct 08 2022 11:21 pm

> There is an old adage, "an army travels on it's stomach, " and the troops on
> the logistics end have stratgeies regarding transporting vital equipment as
> well as keep the supply chain moving reagarding the sourcing and purchase on
> new ammo and repair parts.  This is where the Russians screwed up. Assuming
> their logistics were on par with what is supposedly being the one of the
> largest top fighting forces, even old equipment sitting on shelvess  must be
> accounted for, then replaced or upgraded as needed.  If you have a pntry of
> perishable foods, you have to rotate your canned goods so that long term
> storage items are in safe, edible condition and consumed before they expire,
> otherwise you're eating items with 3+ years shelf life and the back of the
> pantry is loaded with cans 10 years past the "eat before" date.


I agree with everything you've said. The problem is that you are assuming the
Russians, as a whole, are incompetent. This is simply propoganda as this
information is coming to you from the MSM and other controlled biased outlets.

I reckon if you watch Russia Today, you will find similar stories of how
woefully unprepared the Ukranains are along with stories on how hollowed out
NATO armies are.

The Russians are not incompetent, they've never historically been incompetent,
and I doubt things have changed. I know that this is going to blow up and it
will involve NATO forces, and no, we won't just roll in there with our superior
soldiers and more advanced weaponary and wipe them out. That will simply not
happen and I have no idea where Westerners get their confidence from (other
than from the MSM).

I hope you are right, but I would put my life savings on you being wrong about
there being to worry about. I know as well as you do that Ukraine's days are
numbered and there is so much animosity between the East, China included, and
the West that this little war is going to have dire consequenses for all the
rest of us.

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