Subj : Re: Russia's Endgame
To   : Moondog
From : Arelor
Date : Sat Oct 08 2022 11:02 am

 Re: Re: Russia's Endgame
 By: Moondog to MRO on Fri Oct 07 2022 12:28 pm

> I getr the impression that Russian people are historically been kept poor,
> and the government keeps the people fed by forcing low food prices and
> subsidizing liquor.  Corruption is rampant, and things do not get doen

There is not such a thing as forcing low food prices, and any minister claiming
otherwise has not seen European countries in the heyday of regulated food

Long story short: if Pedro S�nchez sets a max price of one dollar per loaf of
bread, but it takes me three dollar to produce it, one of the following is
gonna happen:

* I am not going to sell any bread and I am gonna keep all of my bread for
family and friends.

* I am going to sell my bread in a dark alley for a price that allows me to
turn at least some profit.

What I am not going to do is to sell bread at a loss, specially if the scenario
os post apocalyptic and food supply is not granted (see post WWII Germany and
post Civil War Spain).

PS: There is an old saying: When a cuntry is really fucked up, corruption is
not a problem, but the solution. Tha rationale is that if the government is so
greedy that it allows nothing to be done without paying a tax bribe, or its
regulatory demands are so heavy as to be unmeetable by regular people, any
public officer willing to facilitate things for a small fee is a benefactor
rather than an enemy.


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