Subj : Re: Russia's Endgame
To   : Kaelon
From : Boraxman
Date : Sat Oct 01 2022 10:27 am

-=> Kaelon wrote to All <=-

Ka> As Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine has gone sideways towards, what
Ka> appears to be, inevitable defeat for the Russian forces, there's
Ka> widespread speculation as to what the Russian Federation's actual
Ka> endgame can be here. With Ukraine's forces recapturing vast swaths of
Ka> territories, Russia struggling to marshal its manpower, and all
Ka> evidence pointing to capitulation in Crimea, Donbas, and other occupied
Ka> Ukrainian territories, it seems that this war will be resolved within a
Ka> year.

Ka> What is Russia's possible endgame here?

Ka> Former Russian President and Putin-stooge Medvedev tipped his hand in a
Ka> candid interview earlier this year when he shared two tidbits that
Ka> struck me deeply.

Ka> 1. He said that "a world without Russia is not a world worth having."

Ka> 2. He also remarked that "we don't need any other countries. Russia is
Ka> the only state that matters."

Ka> It leads me to believe that, regardless what NATO and the U.S. warn
Ka> would be the consequences, Russia intends to use nuclear weapons
Ka> extensively as a part of its effort to re-assert its presence on the
Ka> world stage and, in its view, bring this war to a successful
Ka> conclusion.  But I don't think that nukes, even if launchced and
Ka> dropped upon Ukrainian cities, would prevent the Ukrainian people from
Ka> successfully kicking out the Russians.

Ka> What do you think the endgame for this barbaric and savage war is going
Ka> to be? _____

I'm not sure, but I'm highly skeptical of the Western narrative.  According to
Western press, Russia has been losing this war since the beginning, and with
the annexation of four territories having occured, it seems hard to believe
this analysis is accurate.  Western leaders are just going to pretend it didn't
happen, but that is what we do in the West now.  Play make believe and
excoriate anyone who doesn't go along.  Americans like to declare victory when
they haven't actually won.  Americans think that SAYING A makes A a reality.
It's really odd.

I think people are disregarding the fact that "our" side is also heavily
propagandizing its people, so our view would also be highly warped.  Given the
repeated failure of the West to analyse and solve problems, I'm in general
quite doubtful that the situation, as it actually is, is how it is percieved to
be.  That is to say, Russia could achieve some limited goals, despite what our
media are saying.

I don't entirely disagree with Medvedev's first point either.  The USA has
become a rather pathological world power.  It is interesting to hear Putin
mention (again), poisonous Western ideologies which undermine tradition and
nations.  Having seen the spread of American Ideology into Australia, it is
really hard to disagree.  Having strong powers which can provide an counter
narrative, a push back I think is important.

The "nukes" is hysteria though.  Utter hysteria.  I remember reading articles
about how when Trump would win the world would collapse and nukes would go off
over cities.  Quite literally they were saying that.  The amount of utter BS
our leaders and media give us should make us feel total shame and
embarrassment, if we had self-awareness of how we look to others, which we

So I'm not too concerned.  Russia will annex these lands as it did the Crimea,
the West will pretend they the world is just *us* and that there really isn't
any fundamental change to the world and we'll continue living in our fantasy

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