Subj : Russia's Endgame
To   : Kaelon
From : Moondog
Date : Tue Sep 27 2022 10:06 am

 Re: Russia's Endgame
 By: Kaelon to All on Tue Sep 27 2022 05:46 am

> As Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine has gone sideways towards, what appears t
> ast swaths of territories, Russia struggling to marshal its manpower, and al
> What is Russia's possible endgame here?
> Former Russian President and Putin-stooge Medvedev tipped his hand in a cand
> 1. He said that "a world without Russia is not a world worth having."
> 2. He also remarked that "we don't need any other countries. Russia is the o
> It leads me to believe that, regardless what NATO and the U.S. warn would be
> ccessful conclusion.  But I don't think that nukes, even if launchced and dr
> What do you think the endgame for this barbaric and savage war is going to b
> _____
> -=: Kaelon :=-

Putin is insane.  He's sending troops to fight with gear dating back to WWII,
some are learning the supply chain is a shambles and are forced to buy their
own blankets and under clothing.  I bet it won't take long before it looks lik
e scenes from Enemy at the Gates where soldiers who retreat will be met with
machine gun fire.

From a logistics point of view, they're cleaning out warehouses of stuff that
was meant for major mobilization back in the 60's and 70's.  Older tanks and
artillery that has been in mothballs or boneyards are being loaded on trains
and sent to the front lines.  They're even moving SAM coverage from St
Petersburg to be used for long range rockets and take back air superiority.

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