Subj : Russia's Endgame
To   : Kaelon
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Sep 27 2022 08:43 am

 Re: Russia's Endgame
 By: Kaelon to All on Tue Sep 27 2022 05:46 am

Ka> 1. He said that "a world without Russia is not a world worth having."

Ka> 2. He also remarked that "we don't need any other countries. Russia is the
Ka> only state that matters."

Ka> It leads me to believe that, regardless what NATO and the U.S. warn would
Ka> be the consequences, Russia intends to use nuclear weapons extensively as
Ka> a part of its effort to re-assert its presence on the world stage and, in

Ka> What do you think the endgame for this barbaric and savage war is going to
Ka> be?

I've wondered about that a bit, and I don't really know.  If the news here is accurate, Russia has had to start organizing its resources because they're losing this war.  I recently heard in the news that Russia has threatened to possibly use nuclear arms.  I'm seriously wondering if Russia/Putin is hell-bent on winning this or seeking some kind of recognition or attention, and if this could escalate to a World War 3..


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