Subj : Re: joe biden
To   : MRO
From : Tracker1
Date : Wed Sep 07 2022 04:57 pm

On 9/7/22 06:26, MRO wrote:
>> They don't want Kamala in charge either
> yeah she has really proven she's braindead.  they need to get the
> people in sucession to deny the role until they get down to someone
> capable of taking it over.

Next in line is Pelosi... and further down isn't necessarily any better
in terms of general good for the nation.

It sucks... most of the political offices and appointments at the head
of the country are those who have repeatedly sold out the public
interest in the name of lobbyist interests.  Where the divide should be
on negotiating towards working solutions, it's absolutely devolved...
It's no longer about compromise as it is absolutes and incumbents and
the powerful win, even if they shouldn't.

Corporate power is a grant of government power... the solution isn't
more government power, it's less (IMHO).
Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]

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