Subj : Re: Recession to Depressi
To   : Arelor
From : Kaelon
Date : Sat Jul 23 2022 10:14 am

 Re: Re: Recession to Depressi
 By: Arelor to Kaelon on Fri Jul 22 2022 08:50 am

> The thing is that when I run into your average Humanist who thinks we should
> all love each other like brothers,the first idea that comes to mind is that
> person has never stepped out of his ivory tower.

I agree.  I am also not your "average" Humanist.  I am a Machiavellian, and as a long-standing student of both Niccolo and of History in general, I agree with the assertion that mankind is inherently selfish and wicked.  But that does not mean that your neighbor is, by default, the enemy.  And this tribalism inherent in deeply polarized and manipulated societies, is manufactured and not legitimate.  Your neighbor across the street isn't plotting ways to destroy you.  They are plotting ways to succeed in life, and trying to figure out if you - among others - will be a net-add or a net-loss to their plans.

In short, people should start with a state of apathy and distrust; not a state of emnity and antagonism.  Herein is the distinctive difference in what is weakening Western Civilization -- by allowing effeminate Eastern philosophy from building this notion of hyper-relativism (rather than a culture of genuine absolutisms), which simply exposes our civilization to weakness and division.

> It is when you decopuple work from profit that things go very wrong. For
> example, if you pay your constructor contractor in advance, you are in for a
> world of pain, because the contractor has a very weak incentive to perform
> well now he has the money - money he will use to work for somebody else who
> has not paid already.

Again, we agree.  Payments pro-rata, in proportion to work completed or to take the steps necessary to build trust, are essential.  Only once you establish trust with your neighbor, your merchant, your provider, can you then start to advance the nature of the relationship beyond sheer apathetic neutrality and towards genuine friendship.

> Success comes from realizing that most people will backstab you for a bag of
> chewing gum and keeping a close circle of trustworthy friends from the 5%
> that would not murder their mothers for pocket change.

But it is also important to recognize that the other 40% of the population that is being portrayed as arrayed against you is not, in fact, the 'enemy' and is made of mostly stuff that is largely similar to your own. The true Enemy, foreign manipulators from weak cultures looking to divide and dominate the West, would want nothing more than for our partisan politics to create the sort of discord that it has.  And they have largely succeeded in destroying the Western fabric of civility, civic virtue, and collegial compromise.

They must not be allowed to succeed further.
-=: Kaelon :=-

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