Subj : Re: Recession to Depressi
To   : Kaelon
From : Arelor
Date : Fri Jul 22 2022 08:50 am

 Re: Re: Recession to Depressi
 By: Kaelon to Arelor on Thu Jul 21 2022 07:58 pm

>  > Actually, you can trust people. You will get a knife in between your ribs
>  > you make such mistake, though.
> No doubt, but there is an inherent cost to the fabric of civilization when y
> in our civilization.

The thing is that when I run into your average Humanist who thinks we should
all love each other like brothers,the first idea that comes to mind is that
person has never stepped out of his ivory tower.

What has taken us far as a civilization is precisely that we have been using a
system according to which it might be in my best interest to help another
person because I will then be rewarded. Even if I were the dirtiest scumbag on
earth, I would be given a positive incentive to behave.

It is when you decopuple work from profit that things go very wrong. For
example, if you pay your constructor contractor in advance, you are in for a
world of pain, because the contractor has a very weak incentive to perform well
now he has the money - money he will use to work for somebody else who has not
paid already.

Sorry, but people is inherent�ly untrustworthy and this is evident for anybody
who ever tries to push forward a personal project that needs support from other
people. Friends are your friends only as long as it does not cost them any
effort. Once your friendship requires maintenance on their part, you can kiss
your friends goodbie.

Success comes from realizing that most people will backstab you for a bag of
chewing gum and keeping a close circle of trustworthy friends from the 5% that
would not murder their mothers for pocket change.


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