Subj : Re: Recession to Depressi
To   : Kaelon
From : Dr. What
Date : Fri Jul 22 2022 08:33 am

-=> Kaelon wrote to Dr. What <=-

Ka> It's a very strong indictment of the quaintness of our federalist
Ka> system.  Our institutions have veered so far from Hamilton and Madison
Ka> that the way in which the Federal Government and States interact
Ka> monetarily is a profane "saving the phenomenon" that doesn't ultimately
Ka> benefit constituents or citizens at any level.

Oh, ya.  But I figured that the Elitists and their hangers-on have been slowly
perverting the system since the start.

Sometimes they overstep and get caught, but not often enough.

Ka> In Massachusetts, like much of the Northeast, we deal with a typical
Ka> inbalance. We pay far more in taxes - both locally and federally - than
Ka> we receive back in services.  The Federal Government redistributes
Ka> income taxes collected to poorer and less developed regions of the
Ka> country.

And it's made worse because a good chunk of that money is skimmed off by
various people through the process.  Contracts to do something given to a
buddy, for example.  Grants made to others, which kick the money back in the
form of political donations.  Etc.

Ka> Elitists.  And now, we have a vastly stupid population that believes
Ka> things like:

Ka> - Science is a lie.

Plus what they claim to be "science" is not science, but rather the musings of
the Ignorant Elitists who happen to have a worthless degree.

Ka> - Truth is all relative.

Postmodernism has been around a long time.  Mostly in the ignorant
"intellectual" classes.

Ka> - People cannot be trusted.

A general breakdown of society helps them seize power.

Ka> Welcome to 1984.

Maybe closer to "Atlas Shrugged".

Ka> the West, at least, not anytime soon.  You rightly point out that our
Ka> Strategic Defense Initiative, and other intense military spending under
Ka> President Reagan, precipitated the Soviet Union's collapse.  But this
Ka> was possible less due to financial systematic reasons, and much more
Ka> due to the limited resources available to Russia to actually marshal
Ka> and harness production capabilities to match the rest of the Western
Ka> Alliance.

But my point was that we basially had a "military spending war" and we won
because we had more money to spend.  If we have less, such a war isn't going to
turn out good for us.

Ka> I completely agree.  The United States is so far ahead of the rest of
Ka> the world - not just in sheer military capacity, but also in absolute
Ka> military technology and innovation

But we are squandering that lead.  The amount of wokeness in the military is
truely alarming.

And the Dems have been pushing to cut military spending for a long time now.
It's hard to keep up if you can't move forward.

... ...I multi-task, I read in the bathroom.
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