Subj : Capitalism & Corporatism
To   : Dr. What
From : Kaelon
Date : Wed Jul 20 2022 01:37 pm

 Re: Capitalism & Corporatism
 By: Dr. What to Kaelon on Wed Jul 20 2022 08:07 am

> That's because the Elitists think they are so much smarter than everyone.
> To allow competition would be to invite the reminder that they aren't nearly
> as smart as they believe.

Yes, exactly.  And in genuine competition, greater wealth would be created - so governments can reasonably expect to collect larger tax revenues than when they approach a corporatist model.  It's still surprising to me that there isn't an enlightened despot amongst these elites - like Russia's Peter the Great or England's Elizabeth I - that recognizes that by cultivating the spirit of true meritocratic competition, you actually create more opportunity and wealth, and can drive even greater geopolitical outcomes.  After all, the Mercantile Economy that enabled England to colonize the Americas and defeat the Spanish could never have happened had Henry VIII not begun to break up the feudal-era guilds and shatter the noble houses.

> And that's one of the problem with gov't programs: They tend to outlive
> their need and take on a life of their own - for their own perpetuation.
> Gov't interference in any industry always makes it less efficient - in all
> ways.This continues to be proven time and time again.


> The problem is that the Elitists will never acknowledge that and keep
> pushing their failed ideas again and again.

Will it take a revolution to unseat the Elitists? Or do we just have to hope for another Great Depression -- which isn't out of the realm of probability right now given all of the leading indicators -- which would assuredly wipe out all of the entrenched incumbents?
-=: Kaelon :=-

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