Subj : Capitalism & Corporatism
To   : Dr. What
From : Moondog
Date : Wed Jul 20 2022 10:33 am

 Re: Capitalism & Corporatism
 By: Dr. What to Moondog on Wed Jul 20 2022 08:07 am

> -=> Moondog wrote to Kaelon <=-
>  Mo> I fear a meritocracy can be gamed and infiltrated by the people they
>  Mo> wish to keep out of power.  If service guaratees citizenship and the
>  Mo> rights to vote and hold office, you'll see folks who abhor the concepts
>  Mo> of a meritocracy follow the rules into order to inside.
> That's possible.  But remember to succeed in a meritocracy you have to actua
> accomplish things.
> I'm reminded of a Neil Gaiman commencement speech you can see on YouTube. (I
> really good.  You should watch it.)  To paraphrase it:
> He said that the 3 things to do are:
> 1. Be competant.
> 2. Be on time.
> 3. Be nice.
> "And you don't even need all 3!"
> If you are competant and always on time, people will put up with you.
> If you are competant and always nice, people will cut you some slack with
> deadlines.
> If you are on time and always nice, people will help you be competant.
> The people who can't make it in a meritocracy can't even get 2 of those 3 -
> they usually can't even do 1 of the 3 things.
> ... Professionals built the Titanic, amateurs built the ark.
> ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52
In one of Philip K Dick's short stories there was a brother in law of the main
character that was the member of the dirty hippie party.  He had long hair,
was unshaven, and didn't bathe every day.  The other party was called the
clean cut party, and they all dressed very well, were bathed and clean
shaven.  People get tired of looking at dirty hippies and vote the clean cuts
into office.  The next day police come  knocking on the main character's
door, looking for his brother in law instead of finding a dirty hippie, he's
clean cut and was getting ready to go to a clean cut polital involovement
meeting.  The police then look at the main character, who just got off work, a
nd began to question why his clothese are slighty wrinkled, he's a little swea
ty, and it appears he hadn't shaved since that morning.

When he asked his brother in law why he sold out, he tells him he hasn't.  In
order to change the system, it's easier to change it from within than to
stand in the streets and protest the system.  Underneath those clean clothes
and smell of soap, there's a dirty hippie trying to get out.

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