Subj : VGA Planets on t0kerZ hUt!
To   : MRO
From : Crushed
Date : Fri Feb 25 2022 10:55 am

 Re: VGA Planets on t0kerZ hUt!
 By: MRO to Crushed on Thu Feb 24 2022 08:46 pm

MR> so do you provide a way for people to upload packets?
MR> i setup a synchronet mod for handling all that once.

I just leverage existing doors... right now I'm using S.T.U.P.I.D (Simply The
Ultimate Planets Interface Door) version 1.71 (registered) though I'm switching
to version 1.90 as soon as the last game running on 1.71 finishes.  That means
users must upload/download via zmodem, but I kind of like it that way ;)

Unfortunately there's a couple very severe flaws with how STUPID automates
hosting, especially if you want to use a computer player other than the
included CPlayer.  I prefer using Dominate for server-side computer players,
and SpaceLord is even better (in terms of lack of computer "cheats"), but the
way the door creates batch files for running hosts is problematic (without
going into the boring details).

I've automated it as much as possible using my own batch files and timed
events, but when new games are created there is still the initial setup work
involved.  Luckily (or not so lucky for us vga planets fans) the community is
not huge at the moment (on the BBS scene at least... does a
great job at keeping games going but alas they only run pHost) so it's not that
much work setting up new games when they pop up.

That being said, I'd love to have a look at your mod for synchronet, mind
linking me the details?

� Synchronet � t0kerZ hUt