Subj : Sup?
To   : Android8675
From : metalhead
Date : Tue May 03 2016 01:48 am

 Re: Sup?
 By: Android8675 to metalhead on Fri Oct 16 2015 10:45:46

An> Shodan's Core (when it isn't crashing it's hard drives) is in Prunedale,
An> CA which if you google it, is just north of Salinas, and about 15 minutes

What's it like in CA? I suppose that no 2 neighborhoods are the same? Is there
violence everywhere? Is it safe to go outside?

I was living in NM for the past 7 years, and being the prejudiced guy that I
am, I assume that all of the western states are dangerous?

I moved back to the northeastern states a couple months ago, and people here
are so amazing, and I love it.