Subj : Thanks! (was: Usurper)
To   : KenDB3
From : echicken
Date : Mon Oct 12 2015 10:44 pm

> Thanks again to both you gents. I really have learned a lot just running the BBS for fun. ec, one last thing, I love the new Bootstrap web interface, mainly because I always kept wondering if there was a way to get Synchronet to act like a blog engine. The bulletins as a feed on the main page are pretty awesome, and make a whole lotta sense.

The new web interface is nearly "finished" but needs a bit of tidying up.  I will add it to the Synchronet CVS in the near-ish future, but for the time being it is available here:

The bulletin feed is, unfortunately, not included, but I can make it available if it's wanted.  It's very simple, and just pulls messages out of the message base that my "Bullshit" bulletin lister users.

Re: blog engine, it's something that I've thought about and plan on doing some work on at some point.  I might again use a message base for storage, and allow for comments in the form of replies to the original message.  Synchronet could then just handle permissions, user registration, etc. for you.  I would just need to think about ways to allow for "rich" content in postings, because I suspect people would want to be able to include pictures, etc. in their blog posts.  (The answer might just be "use HTML".)

electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230