Subj : ecwebv4
To   : echicken
From : Android8675
Date : Wed Feb 10 2016 11:45 am

 Re: ecwebv4
 By: echicken to Android8675 on Tue Feb 09 2016 08:50 pm

ec> Regarding uplink speed, however, I'd be surprised if the overhead of the
ec> WebSocket connection and the serving of the minified fTelnet script
ec> actually make that much of a difference when it comes to hosting your own
ec> or using the external embed.

I was wondering about that, thanks.

I setup the pages last night, but when trying to Telnet/use games the fTelnet
window just sits there with a blinking cursor. Maybe the WebScoket isn't
working or something?

ec> The other major benefit of using is that you can just use
ec> his WebSocket proxy and not have to set one up locally. Unfortunately for
ec> the Games page to work, this isn't an option. One needs to run their own
ec> WebSocket proxy for that, because I made a modified one that handles the
ec> authentication part in conjunction with the web UI.

I'll keep the proxy going because I want to make the games front and center, I
really want to add more Roguelikes and Atari games. Been messing around with
JavAtari and Rogue.js, both run great and are easy to drop in. I just need a
program to parse out Rogue scores files and drop them into ANSI art.

Gonna spend some more time whenever I get time away from the little one. She's
at 4.5 years now and knows everything about anything. It's quite amazing, she's
teaching me more things about Frozen than I ever thought possible.
