Subj : ecwebv4
To   : Android8675
From : echicken
Date : Tue Feb 09 2016 11:50 pm

> Beautiful, and you have a game interface, thank gawd.

> Only feature I can think of would be an option to use
>, I don't know the security risks with using the
> ftelnet embedded version, but I got it working a while ago and I like it,
> especially because my uplink speed

What I'm considering is actually disabling the Games page by default, as well
as the main fTelnet embed on the Home page.  There would be a script or simple
instructions for enabling them, and using in the process.
This would save me from having to bundle in a copy of fTelnet which would
inevitably become outdated; using his hosted version means that it gets updated
when he updates it, which is nice.  This is all less automagic than is ideal,
however I have a bunch of reasons for wanting to go this way.

The other major benefit of using is that you can just use his
WebSocket proxy and not have to set one up locally.  Unfortunately for the
Games page to work, this isn't an option.  One needs to run their own WebSocket
proxy for that, because I made a modified one that handles the authentication
part in conjunction with the web UI.

Regarding uplink speed, however, I'd be surprised if the overhead of the
WebSocket connection and the serving of the minified fTelnet script actually
make that much of a difference when it comes to hosting your own or using the
external embed.

electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230