Subj : Recycle Error
To   : DesotoFireflite
From : echicken
Date : Mon Mar 16 2015 10:56 am

 Re: Recycle Error
 By: DesotoFireflite to Echicken on Sat Mar 14 2015 08:59:03

De> Just wondering, I came home the other day, and my services window was full
De> of red where COA was trying to connect with the host. A tree had hit the

I think that if it gets disconnected, the service attempts to reconnect every
10 seconds or so, which may be excessive.  It doesn't hurt anything except for
polluting the logs, however.

De> that could be done, where if there is no connection for a given period of
De> time, It would fall back and only look for a connecting say every 15
De> minutes. I don't know if this is even possable, but I just shut down
De> services to keep it from happening till the net was restored. Is this a

We could scale it back somewhat, likely without causing any real problems.
We'll look into it for the next update, which I think will be coming soon-ish.

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