Subj : RetroDigital BBS Closing
To   : Deepend
From : echicken
Date : Sun Jan 14 2018 03:05 am

 Re: RetroDigital BBS Closing
 By: Deepend to All on Sun Jan 14 2018 02:59:18

De> This has been a hard decision, However I have decided to close
De> RetroDigital BBS and put my efforts and time towards other projects I have

Bummer, but a lot of people have made the same decision over the years, and I
can understand it.  I've considered it once or twice myself, but I don't think
I'll be pulling the plug anytime soon.

You might want to just leave your BBS online and on autopilot.  You may take an
interest in it again someday, and it'll be there waiting for you.  (This is
what I've done in the past.)

De> Nothing will be changing for the IRC services I host for Synchronet IRC.
De> They will continue to function and I will still be hanging around on those
De> servers.

Glad to hear that.

What other projects are you going to be spending your time on?  (As a person
with too many hobbies, I'm always interested to know what other people do with
their free time.)

I know you have an unexplored interest in ham radio - maybe you should take
that up. :D

electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230