Subj : Vanity Callsigns (B)
To   : All
From : Daryl Stout
Date : Wed Aug 16 2017 12:07 am


Whether you are applying as an individual or a club trustee, there will
be some limits on the types of vacant Vanity call signs that may be
available to you, depending on your license class or mailing address.

First, the FCC does not limit the Vanity call sign choice numeral (0-9).
For example, you can be a W1-land addressee, and have a W6 (California)
type call if you so desire.

Also, aside from a very few FCC-limited choices, Extra class licensees
can choose virtually any vacant but valid US call sign -- FCC call sign
Groups A, B, C or D. Although Advanced class licensees cannot seek the
special 1x2, 2x1 or 2x2 (beginning with letter "A") Extra class type call
signs, they can seek a 2x2 or 1x3 call sign (beginning with prefix N, K
or W), or a 2x3 call sign (beginning with prefix letter K or W) -- FCC
call sign Groups B, C or D. General or Technician class licensees can seek
a 1x3 call sign (beginning with prefix N, K or W), or 2x3 call sign
(beginning with prefix letter K or W) -- FCC call sign Groups C or D.
Novice licensees also have access to the Vanity program. Novices can seek
a 2x3 call sign (beginning with prefix letter K or W) of their choice --
FCC call sign Group D.

Unless you have a mailing address specific to Alaskan, Pacific or
Caribbean areas, you would not be able to obtain certain call signs where
the second prefix letter is an L, H or P in conjunction with certain call
area numbers (e.g., KL7??? is limited to Alaskan addressees only, KH6???
to Pacific Island addressees only, KP4??? to Caribbean addressees only,

Club call signs are limited per above and also are limited based on the
class of license held by the trustee at the time of application. Should
the club trustee change and the trustees license class is of a different
qualifying class, the clubs' call sign will not change.

Even when a call sign does not appear on the FCC database, it may not be
available for assignment.

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