Week of 2022-10-30: Shade by Atta Boy

Look Ma(tt), no Goose!

Haha I got called out by Matt (my brother) for too many
Goose picks, so this one goes out to you!

The lyrics are a bit of a bummer, but dang this song is
fun to jam on. My memory associated with it is like so:

Matt was home from college for the day, so I went over
to catch up and play some music. I walk in the door and
he's already at the piano, I can hear it from the garage.
I grab a guitar from my Dad's study and join in.

After we warm up with a few classics (Alrighty Aphrodite
by Peach Pit, Slow Ready (Goose!)) he says: "do you know
'Shade' by Atta Boy?". When we jammed regularly a couple
years ago we played Jack and Blow by them regularly, but
I'd never heard Shade. "It's just 3 chords".


There's something special about songs I play with someone
else before hearing in their entirety on their own. I get
to have my own take on the pacing, the tone, etc. Shade
is one of those--it'll forever bring me back to standing
by the piano with Matt :)