Acme Notes
date: 2022-02-27
tags: plan9 editors

Day 1: Getting plumbing via mouse3 to work
Sun Feb 27 23:17:12 EST 2022

I've been mucking around with acme(1) recently and.. it's really
cool. The plumber is next-level awesome and I've been trying
to emulate it in tmux(1).

Of course, I've been using acme(1) via plan9port too as I go. While
I don't love the mouse usage, it's an interesting exercise in

The main reason I'm writing this note is that out-of-the-box on
OpenBSD the plumber *didn't work*! So I wanted to document
how I got it set up.

TL;DR: the plumber(4) is it's own service. Make sure to start it
before you start acme(1):

       $ 9 plumber
       $ 9 acme

And that's it! Took me 20+ minutes to figure it out :/ Without it
mouse-3 is limited to file names, which is much less useful than
man-pages, URLs, etc...

Day 1: Getting a monospace font
Sun Feb 27 23:52:47 EST 2022

This one was more of a plan9port quirk. So acme(1) very clearly
has a `-f` flag for fonts... and a bit of poking around the
internet showed that if `fontsrv` is running, I _should_ be able
to render system fonts (in this case GoMono). However, the big
catch was that while fontsrv(4) presents itself to the host at
/tmp/ns.cpt.:0/font, acme(1) wants to access it via /mnt (which
is odd, but I'm sure there's a reason for it). So, monospace fonts
like so:

       $ 9 fontsrv # one time only
       $ 9 acme -f /mnt/font/GoMono/12a/font

The `a` version of 12 is nice (without it it looks ragged).

(p.s. the reason I noticed this was that I couldn't align the ---
underscores for the headers!)