Wed 04 May 2021 12:05:25 AM EDT

Awesome jam night per usual. Cut short a bit abruptly due to a work email
indicating a failure in prod... but overall got in quite a good set! The
night was heavy on Manchester Orchestra (due to their new album drop last
Friday) as well as Peach Pit (due to recent listening habits)--banger of
the night? Shake it Out. Surprise Transition? Creep -> Back Pocket


 Blue Lips, Her's (Matt Bass)
 Brian's Movie, Peach Pit (Matt Bass)
 Real Love Baby, Father John Misty (Matt Bass)
 That I Miss You, Vansire (Matt Bass)

 Drop the Guillotine, Peach Pit
 Chagu's Sideturn, Peach Pit

 Loser, Beck (Bass)
 Pride, Manchester Orchestra (Bass)
 Shake It Out, Manchester Orchestra (Bass)
 Bed Head, Manchester Orchestra (Bass)
 Creep, Radiohead (Bass)
 Back Pocket, Vulfpeck (Bass)
 Creep, Radiohead (Bass, in a funky Vulfpeck style)

 Original, Matt
 Alrighty Aphrodite, Peach Pit
 Shampoo Bottles, Peach Pit
 Techno Show, Peach Pit

 Twin Size Mattress, The Front Bottoms
 Baby Shoes, Bad Books
 You Wouldn't Have To Ask, Bad Books
 Good Thing, Sure Sure