# `make obj`: out-of-tree builds with BSD `make(1)`

_Published: September 28, 2021_

If you've ever built parts of OpenBSD from source, you may know
that the sequence of commands recommended by
[`release(8)`](https://man.openbsd.org/release.8) is:

       $ make obj
       $ make
       # make install

If, like me, you've forgotten the `make obj` step, you'll find
yourself with many derived files in the current directory of
whatever program you're building. By running `make obj` first, a
directory called _obj_ appears and the derived files (usually \*.o
files) are placed there instead.  Cleverly, the _obj_ directory is
actually a symlink to another filesystem under _/usr/obj_,
making it truly an out-of-tree build.

Up until recently, I understood what the `obj` target did and why
it was useful.  However, it wasn't until I tried to replicate it
with the build for text.alexkarle.com that I discovered how it
worked.  I figured I'd document it here in case it helps anyone

## How it Works

My discovery of the inner workings of this target was a classic
lesson in RTFM.  After 10-15 minutes of trying to parse the
makefiles in _/usr/share/mk_, I finally searched for _obj_ in the
[`make(1)` man page](https://man.openbsd.org/make.1), and sure
enough the answer was the first hit!  I've copied it for
convenience below (licensed under the BSD-3 clause):

> *`.OBJDIR:`*
> Path to the directory where targets are built.  At
> startup, make searches for an alternate directory to
> place target files. make tries to `chdir(2)` into
> `MAKEOBJDIR` (or obj if `MAKEOBJDIR` is not defined), and
> sets `.OBJDIR` accordingly.  Should that fail, `.OBJDIR`
> is set to `.CURDIR`.

With this new knowledge, getting an out-of-tree build was almost as
simple as running `mkdir obj` before `make`!

The one catch was that, having chdir'd in, I had to canonicalize
the paths to any scripts used in the build recipes.  For instance,
I have a genpost.sh script in the bin/ directory of this repo.  To
call it from the obj directory, I needed to use its absolute path
via the .CURDIR variable:

       $(.CURDIR)/bin/genpost.sh < $< > $@

## Portability

While I mostly build my site on OpenBSD, it's important to me that
it builds with GNU make too.

Unfortunately, the `.OBJDIR` chdir'ing appears to be an extension in
OpenBSD's make (and possibly NetBSD too). The good news is that,
with one more trick, GNU make support is easy to add (albeit
without out-of-tree builds).

The one final hack to support GNU make was to define a portable
version of `.CURDIR`.  Since `.CURDIR` isn't defined in GNU make (which
uses `CURDIR` instead), I had to define the `DIR` variable that's the
concatenation of the two:

       DIR = $(.CURDIR)$(CURDIR)

## Conclusion

I hope this sheds some light on why `make obj` is common practice
on OpenBSD as well as how to add similar support to your own

While not as flexible as GNU make's pattern matching inference
rules (that allow builds in subdirectories), I find the chdir-ing
into obj a cleverly simple way to obtain a similar end result.

## See Also

- [text.alexkarle.com's origin story](/blog/text-only.html)
- [writing the blog in mdoc(7)](/blog/my-old-man.html)

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