# What's in a (Domain) Name

_Published: March 24, 2020_

I went through a phase this week of really wanting
`karle.[original-tld]`.  Not for a business.  Not for boosting my
own webpage (it doesn't really have much traffic).  Just for me.

The results were... disheartening.


Registered since 2004, no website, just an email DNS record.  WHOIS
guard ensures I can't even reach out to who owns it.


For sale by owner on Uniregistry. Ok.  Inquired. Owner wants a
"serious 5 figure offer". Next!


Owned by [RealNames](https://realnames.com), a business seemingly
centered around buying lastname.net domains and charging people
like me to set up an email.  Almost brilliant enough of a business
to make me forgive their scumminess.  _Almost._  Nary an option to
buy it.

## Conclusion

So here we are.  Looks like `karle.co` for at least a little

*Update:* I've settled on alexkarle.com and plan to use it for the
foreseeable future.

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