# Family, Perl, etc.

*Entered: in emacs on Gemini PDA*
*Date: 20231009*

## Family

Lots going on with my family: my oldest daughter is pregnant
and has moved back to our town with her boyfriend. My son
got popped for DUI. My wife has pneumonia (has received
medical attention and she's doing a lot better).

All while I essentially live on the road. Our daily phone
calls are a huge part of my life as far as maintaining
connection to my actual life.

## Perl

I wrote a bunch of perl scripts back in the 1990s and
2000s. It's been a minute. I am rewriting my gopher/gemini
proxy in perl as an excuse to get back into it. I bought
another copy of the O'Reily Perl Pocket Reference. So far it
has been enjoyable. Except: installing modules in termux
under android. Email me if you have tips.

## etc.

Which makes me want actual linux on the go instead of using
termux under android. My gpd pocket's battery life is
abysmal and so I started looking around for something
diferent. I settled on a Clockwork Pi uConsole. Clockwork Pi
states they ship in 90 business days which is 18 weeks. So
in January I hopefully get this device and have less issues
with things I wish to do.