# Barnes & Noble Nook Glowlight Plus

*Entered: in emacs on GPD Pocket X7* |
*Date: 20220815* |
*Soundtrack: Youtube vids in the background*

## Lust

I have been lusting after eink tablets for note-taking for
a while now. The remarkable, boox, et al are pretty sexy
devices. I just cannot make myself unass the pesos for a
purchase I may not end up using.

## Compromise

I was watching a video about one of these devices the other
day and day dreaming when it hit me: I have a Nook Glowlight
Plus sitting in a rubbermade box under my bed. Is it


It is a locked down Android 4.4.2 tablet with an eink
display. XDA Forums has a nice walk thru procedure and
script to root this device via ADB from Linux/Mac/Windows.
I followed this with the Nook plugged into my GPD Pocket
X7 running Manjaro. Quick and easy. Next I acquired an
Android 4.4.2 compatible launcher, gallery, and file
manager. I experimented with disabling the nook app, but
that seems to also disable power related functionality
so I have left it enabled. I did install the Kindle app
and downloaded the books I am currently wanting. I also
installed Librera and it can open kindle books that do not
have DRM (oddly this included everything I downloaded).
I like the look and feel of Librera better than the kindle
app, and I never bought a ton of books via the B&N store.

I did find and install an APK for hadwriting notes, but
the hardware is miserably slow and while still on the
edge of usable, I think I'll just use this device as my
book reader. Of course, I will be looking for what else I
can use an Android 4.4.2 tablet with a slow display for...