# Dashboard

*Entered: in emacs on gemini pda* |
*Date: 20220616*

## Just about how I want it

So, I have my emacs from scratch just about as I want it.
Today, I decided that I kinda missed the dashboard from
Doom Emacs, so I installed the dashboard package. Worked
on making it look how I want it to look. Put the sections
into my preferred order. Filtered my org agenda for a
display that works for me. Built up a good boomarks file
for items I use a lot.

![Screenshot](gopher://1436.ninja/IPhlog/20220616.png "Screenshot")

## However

I want to stop undo-tree-mode on org files until after
the dashboard has fully rendered. I have tried many
different elisp lines to disable and reenable this
mode but was unsuccessful. If you are an emacs guru,
maybe clue in a noob on the best (I'd settle for just
working) way to do this.

Email sysop [at] 1436.ninja if you are so inclined to
lend a hand in this.

Seems that

(use-package undo-tree
 :after dashboard
 (undo-tree-mode 1))

Did the trick...

## Other news

I am actively seeking a GPD Pocket 1. The form factor,
construction quality, x86 architecture, and specs
make it very desirable to me. Ebay sellers are being
slow in responding to offers, but it is what it is, and
I am not in a hurry.