# what I've been reading

*Entered: in vim on Samsung Galaxy S21* |
*Date: 20220329*

I have been on a kick of reading books which remind me of childhood.
This started with rereading 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I am
currently reading book two (The Naked Sun) of The Robot series by
Isaac Asimov, having read book one (The Caves of Steel) directly
before it.

## in the queue

Queued up I have The Planiverse, which I first read in the late 80s
thanks to being gifted the book by my grandfather. After that,
Gulliver's Travels.

This has been a fun time, these books have, in addition to giving
great *theater of the mind*, brought me back to a time period from
my own past. A world that doesn't exist anymore.