# RPoD is Upgraded

*Entered: in vim on RPoJ* |
*Date: 20210902*

I took RPoD2 (the original RPoD died in 2017) down today. I first
tried to resize the root partition to make it smaller and faster to
dd, then imaged it to the SSD on RPoD3 (a Raspberry Pi 4, 8GB with
a 256GB M.2 SATA SSD). This did not work because firmware is different
between the Pi3b+ and the Pi4. I screwed around with this for hours,
causing the RPoD2 SD card to no longer boot either Pi. In the end I
just fresh imaged the SSD in RPoD3, and copied over the gopher
chroot, along with some choice files such as my crontab.

This was successful! The webserver actually took longer to bring back
to life, but this is now back up as well. I think I am going to try
to make the gopherhole a tad more portable. This will take some
planning, and likely won't happen anytime soon.

If you see any bugs, look at my contact info (finger
[email protected]), drop me a line and let me know. I would greatly
appreciate it!!