# Catchup

*Entered: in vim on my phone* |
*Date: 20210707*

I am writing to you tonight from Illinois. Since I last wrote I
have been many places: California, Texas, Florida, etc... it is
thundering outside my hotel window as I write this.

I bought a Gemini PDA tonight since Planet is offering a 40%
discount currently on this now 3 year old device. I think it'll
be cool to take with me on the road. It has to weigh less than my
gen 8 ipad, and I'll likely have more will to type since there is
a keyboard. I am planning on keeping it (rooted) android and
installing either a Linux on android app, or maybe just running
termux as it pretty much does everything I want. Android seems to
be the best on this device as far as power management and all that.

If I'm wrong send me an email - sysop at 1436.ninja
and set me straight. I don't know when I will get the device yet.
I work the next 2 weeks solid in Texas and Missouri so it doesn't
matter if the shipping is fast anyways.

Talk to you soon...