# Research

*Entered: in vim on android tablet* |
*Date: 20210313*

I am sitting in a hotel in rural Arkansas. Doing research into my
RPG ideas. I derailed myself (not insermountibly) with this nugget:

*Pertaining to the resets*

>What is the true "spirit" of this realm? In the dimensions past
>three, are there "living" entities? If so, could they influence
>humans in the XYZ cartesian planes?
>If the "controllers" were the self-same entities, then they would
>not need to "take credit" - the knowledge would not be lost. Same
>if the controllers were preserved through the aid of the entities
>or even if a new crop of controller came into contact with these
>So how would this fit, if it fits @ all?

Brushing aside the extradimensional entities question, any sort of
continuity breaks the reset hypothesis. More thought needed...