# Sharp PC1261

*Entered: in vim on studio PC* |
*Date: 20200926*

Years ago I bought a Sharp PC1261 pocket computer. It was
manufactured in 1984, has a 8-bit CMOS SC61860 ESR-H 768 KHz CPU,
and 10kb of RAM. At the same time I also bought a new in box Sharp
Printer and Cassette Interface CE-123P. I messed around with the
pocket computer, but never unboxed the cassette interface. I wrote
a handy little Game Master Emulator (a simple random oracle) in
BASIC on the device and did not wat to lose the program, so it just
sat on a shelf unless I was using it for RPG play.

The videos flying around YouTube for #septandy (the TRS80 pocket
computers were also made by Sharp) made me think, "why did I never
just save that GME program to tape?" So tonight I dug it out, loaded
up fresh batteries in it and my tape recorder, and did just that.
While I was at it I recorded the program to wav via audacity and
uploaded it [here]. I will be placing other programs there later on
as I screw around with this thing in the future.

[here]: gopher://1436.ninja/1Tapes/