# Studio PC

*Entered: in vim on studio PC* |
*Date: 20200820*

A couple of days ago I setup an older tablet PC (Intel Core i5 2.2
GHz, 4GB RAM) in my studio room with a 43" flat panel monitor. I
connected this to a 1970s vintage Zenith C440W receiver for audio
output. While I was doing this, I took the time to cleanup the
clutter that had built up in my studio.

Unlike my Thinkpad x201 which runs Gentoo, this computer runs vanilla
Linux Mint. With a wireless keyboard that includes a builtin
touchpad, sitting in the comfy chair in my studio, which is against
the opposite wall, and using this computer, is a comfortable
endeavor. I am typing this right now while listening to a podcast,
with my feet propped up. Nice.

I may install Ardour and other audio software onto this PC since it
would make sense based upon where it resides. I have a powered USB
hub that is connected to a couple audio interfaces, my drum kit, and
a gaggle of other equipment. Sounds like a nice project for this