# More Outside Fun

*Entered: in vim on x201* |
*Date: 20200720*

I have made a few more excursions into the wilds since the last post.
I attempted to steam bake corn muffins at the foot of a mountain in
the rain on an alcohol stove. It would have turned out better if I
had not put too much batter into my cooking vessel. At least the
bottom third was cooked properly (and quite tasty). Yesterday my
daughter and I made spam omelets under a tarp strung between four
juniper trees. I found a little 5x7 foot backpackers tarp for less
than $10. It is too small for hammock camping, but I have tarps for
that. It takes up very little room in my rucksack and provided much
needed shade as we cooked. I call that a win.

I have a place picked out for next weekend. I plan on cooking
hamburgers for us on a campfire using a folding, double sided grill
with a handle (advertised in the packaging as being for cooking fish,
but it will work just fine for anything else). This spot is at the
top of a ridge and the junipers are large and close together there. I
have driven past it numerous times and yesterday I made the decision
to check it out next week.