# RE: Cat - Lovecraftian Blindspot

*Entered: in vim on x201* |
*Date: 20200524*

In his [recent post], Cat speaks of *blindspots* in progressive
culture, while lamenting not being able to publicly state he likes
certain art.

My $0.02: why are we caring what others think? Fear of reprisal
explicitly gives naysayers power. Progressives act as a cult. They
have a line of thinking they espouse publicly, and loudly, in order
to get kudos from their fellows. The universe is cold and uncaring.
This is the natural order. Caring what these people think goes
counter to what is natural. Once this society collapses, and it will
on a long enough timeline, none of these things will matter and
nature will prevail.

Truth that runs counter to people's feelings is considered anathema.
Negating truth in order to stroke a group's narrow, emotion-based
take on reality does not lend it credence. Perpetuating a rewritten,
false history of the world because one considers it *ugly* or
something that *should not have happened* is theft of that history.
It not only impoverishes humanity, but it is *exactly* what the
Ministry of Truth did in Orwell's 1984. A sharp, stark, dispassionate
view of the world around us, and the people within it is not only
honest with one's self, it is closer to truth at large. Coloring
one's view with emotion is a lie one tells ones-self. To impose that
lie upon others is a criminal act.

My unsolicited advise is to step outside the purview of progressives,
right-wingers, staunch quilters, and all other groups and with an
emotionless lens, see, *really see* what is and has happened on this
planet. The opinions formed are not mandatory to be proclaimed to
others, as one's privacy is their own domain. However, let's not give
others power over our own informed opinions. Critically thinking and
discriminating (using the *actual* meaning of that word, not the
Ministry of Truth's redefinition) over new information will lead to
decisions of whether or not to integrate it into our opinions, or to
disregard it as misinformation. Honesty is paramount, as one wants to
present ones-self with fact-based views. Disregarding something you
find uncomfortable, for no other reason, makes you the same as the
emotion-based authoritarian group thinkers.

[recent post]: gopher://baud.baby/0/phlog/fs20200524.txt