# A Link Aggregator for Gopher

*Entered: in vim on x201* |
*Date: 20200204*

So, I had an idea today. We have reddit, hacker news, lobste.rs, and
other sites' frontends on gopher. These all typically link to the
submissions via HTTP and show a static view of comments that exist
on the respective site. You cannot stay strictly on gopher, and you
cannot comment from gopher. Wouldn't it be nice if a link aggregator
existed solely on gopher? I [made this post on mastodon][1] fleshing
out the idea.

The more I thought about it, the simpler it seemed. So,
[I implemented it on RPoD][2]. Port 70 News is now live and accepting
submissions. Currently it has a centralized *guestbook* for comments.
Please try it out and let's see if we can stop relying on WWW sites a
bit more.

[1]: gopher://1436.ninja:70/0/Document_Store/1580836359.txt
[2]: gopher://1436.ninja:70/1/Port70News