Fun with Palm doc format

### Entered on Handspring Treo 90
### 20190818

Since Plucker's website is dead and the
software won't run on a Raspberry Pi
(my main PC), I have been experimenting
with using Palm doc format instead.
I wrote a script that calls curl to fetch
a page, then removes non ASCII
characters, then converts to text,
then converts to Palm doc.

I have iSilo on my Treo 90 because I
like it better for doc files than CardTXT
(which excels at text files). So far so
good. Well, then I read that MobiPocket
renders basic html markup in palm doc
format. Only I did not have MobiPocket
to test this out. The Wayback Machine
to the rescue! I found MobiBook 1.1
from 1999. I had tried MobiPocket 5
point something but it crashed my Treo.
Anyways, I made a simple html document
and converted it to Palm doc, opened
it with MobiBook 1.1 and it rendered!
Well, it ignored color but in 1999 there
wasn't any. Also, don't think I was using
CSS, no, just old school html.

So the plan now is to find or write
something to simplify html and then
convert that to palm doc. Maybe a
html to markdown to html conversion
would do the trick?