# On a satisfying lazy day
### entered in CardTXT on Sony Clie Peg UX50
### 20190803

Having nine days off at a whack is fairly decadent. I am not
truly  prepared  to  return!  Today  was  sedate.  The  most
excitement came  when my fancy  new safety razor  arrived in
the mail (a  Vikings Blade _The Emperor_)  and I immediately
got rid of four days worth of whiskers. Definitely easier on
my face than the shavette I had been using.

The  gophersphere appears  to  be unanimous  in support  of
camping with air mattresses. I  will be purchasing a few and
a  foot pump  to  go  with them  in  upcoming  weeks. I  had
jokingly cursed my wife to never  seeing a bear in the wild,
but  she so  much wants  to that  a trip  to Yellowstone  is
likely in our future.

Binge watching  maker channels on YouTube  has consumed most
of today.  Usually I'd consider  that a waste, but  today it
seems  alright. I  hung out  in my studio for  several hours
yesterday  and recorded something that  will likely  end  up
being  a  whole  new project.  It turned  out hard  rock-ish
which kind  of makes sense  since I  have been in  a classic
metal sort of mood for several  weeks. I am happy with it so