# On reinventing Gopher
### Entered in vim on RPoJ via ssh
### 20190611

So much never ending discussion on reinventing gopher.
Adding encryption, adding markup, adding ... I, as it turns
out am against every last bit of it. I reflected on it.
Some of it excited me, then kept thinking about it and it
dawned on me: big data is not watching gopher. The problems
just are not here. I do not care about markup. If I did I'd
be on the WWW. If it was a super concern I'd just host
vanilla html over standard gopher. It has been mentioned
so many times over the past years that gopher just works on
every platform, even computers of high vintage. Why break

It also makes me feel attachment that the same gopher I was
introduced to in 1993 is what I am using now. Good ole RFC
1436. Of course, everyone can do what they like. Enough
content will remain for my tastes. Plain text will still be
served on port 70 and I can unwind while navigating