# On tmux awesomeness
### Entered in vim on RPoJ via ssh
### 20190117

(in the following I use |PREFIX| as a stub for your prefix,
typically CTRL+b, but a lot of people like me use CTRL+a)

Multiple sessions are of course awesome. It is not something
that a lot of users learn when starting out with tmux. So
here is a quick run down:

To create a new named session from within tmux use:

|PREFIX| :new -s NAME

To view a list of sessions and choose one use:


From outside of tmux make a named session with:

tmux new -s NAME

or start detached with

tmux new -s NAME -d

I like to have the following sessions always running:

* searx running foreground (I choose not to daemonize it)
 Note: not accessible outside of my network
* gopher/tootstream/searx in lynx
* a session for general shell usage
