# More on the palm os stuff
### 20181001

Finding software for a damn near 20 year old device is difficult... So
many  dead links  on the  web! Not  a lot  of desktop  software exists
either,  but what  does  for Linux  is  pretty good.  I  still have  a
keyboard (landware), stylus 4 pack, and the standard hard plastic case

I think I will end up writing my own software to do thinqs I want, but
that I cannot find existing software for. I am still figuring out that
42 year old me uses a PDA differently  than 22 year old me. I had over
a dozen  Palm, TRG Pro, and  Handspring devices from the  90s thru the
early  2000s.  I  think  the  utter  lack  of  games  is  the  biggest
difference. Also, with  the lack of conduits, I am  reluctant to use a
lot of apps. I  need to learn to parse PDB files  so I can essentially
create my own conduits.

## Donations Sought

I  am seeking  Palm Device  donations. If  you have  a palm  os device
you're not using that:

 a) works
 b) uses standard battaries
 c) does not have a color screen

If you  are interested in  finding a home  for a device  matching this
description, please write me at:

 [email protected]

BTW: this phlog entry was hand written in graffiti on my visor  :-)