# On Palm Devices
## or my old Visor is back
### 20180928

So, after the [phost](gopher://1436.ninja/0/Phlog/20180923.md) about
reading Jirka's blog, I dug through my closet and found an old
Hanspring Visor I used long ago. I ordered a sync cable for it
because I cannot locate the original. It came already, and I have
installed some apps. I have a wiki hack installed to turn memos into
a wiki. I plan on scripting a two way sync using pilot-link to turn
these memos into a vimwiki. I want to also script the calendar app
to share with remind. Jpilot is nice, but using pilot link one can
have a totally custom use of the data.

I think long term, I want to have the sync data rsync'd to RPoJ
(Raspberry Pi of Judgement, a RPi 3b+), which will serve the vimwiki,
remind calendar, and what ever else I devise over ssh. Since it will
be rsync'd, it'll also live in potentially offline form on my
[RCA Cambio which runs Ubuntu](gopher://1436.ninja/1/Phlog/wiki.cgi?20180925).

I think some sort of unidirectional long format text file to palm doc
converter / installer script would be a nice touch too... I will of
course update the phlog with progress. I have some out of town stuff
with work coming up pretty quick in Colorado, so who knows what time
frame I can have results in.