# On the RPoD DocumentStore

Inspired by 70Chan[0] which I was led to by Ulcer[1], I coded up a simple document store[2] using curl. Feed it a URL via a type 7 link, and it checks for HTM|htm|HTML|html|TXT|txt|<index file>, rejects if not one of those, downloads the file to <unix time>.[html|txt] and links it on the gophermap. Should work with http|https|gopher|whatever because curl.

Give it a try, toss something interesting at it...

* [0][gopher://gopher.su/1/board](gopher://gopher.su/1/board)
* [1][gopher://sdf.org/1/users/ulcer/cgi-bin/godot%3fmain](gopher://sdf.org/1/users/ulcer/cgi-bin/godot%3fmain)
* [2][gopher://gopher.leveck.us/1/documentstore](gopher://gopher.leveck.us/1/documentstore)