Subj : Selling Body Parts
Date : Thu Dec 04 2014 01:09 am

BK>> Yep. I am both pro-life and opposed to selling body parts.

LL> Yet it is okay to sell locks of hair to companies that
LL> manufacture wigs.  Some folks choose to donate locks of
LL> are not opposed to selling or giving away hair, whether

You can give a kidney away, you just can't sell it.


BK>> Wrong, I figured it out long ago.

LL> If folks can sell or give away hair, why not other body
LL> parts?

Cause you grow back hair. It's not critical ... to most people.

LL>>> Now back to reality -

BK>> Ok, who wrote this and signed Lee's name to it?

LL> The otherworldlee Lee.

Ok, I believe that. After I checked it with the Men in Black.

BK>> You called her in 1997?

LL> The Wayback Machine is a most wonderful device ...

BK>> You can donate a kidney if you are alive, and have two good ones.

LL> You can donate somebody else's kidney and have two
LL> good ones.  But if you donate one of your own kidneys,
LL> you'd best hope you have one good one left.  :)

LL> How is a recipient going to know if he/she is receiving
LL> a good body part or a bad body part?  Are body parts given
LL> ratings, such as excellent/good/fair/poor?  Did Dick Cheney
LL> have a choice of which heart he could get before surgeons
LL> implanted him with a new heart?  Or was he just lucky to
LL> have gotten a good one rather than another clunker?

BK>> All too often the rich get what the poor need.

LL> Why should the poor receive what the rich need most?

BK>> If somebody has the money and is willing to pay the price, the
BK>> poor will never get a transplant again.

LL> So what?  The poor will always be with us.  The rich can
LL> at least make a difference, at least while they are still
LL> here.  So might as well keep rich folks around for as long
LL> as possible.

LL> People in third world countries are willing to sell
LL> a kidney for $1000.  That might seem cheap to you, but
LL> to them that is a fortune.  Denying them the right to
LL> sell their own kidneys (or other body parts) would be
LL> keeping them in the poorhouse forever.  Denying them
LL> any hope of escaping a lifetime of poverty.

BK>> Walmart is trying to get into providing health care.

LL> There is no such thing as providing health care in
LL> this country.  What we have is sick care, not health
LL> care.

LL> Walmart, like many other employers, are falling back
LL> to using part time employees as a means of getting around
LL> Obamacare.  And until this country decides to get real
LL> about health care reform, such problems will continue
LL> to exist.  Obamacare is not universal health care.
LL> It was never designed for that purpose.  What it does

LL> is mandates each state to create its own version of
LL> Romneycare.  Republicans hate that.  For a Cemocrat
LL> to out-Republican Republicans.

BK>> Apply that to body parts.

LL> Walmart selling body parts?  With Mitt Romney
LL> their pitch man?  Hmmm...

BK>> To sell in quantity you have to have a supply of cheap parts.

BK>> That means a lot of donors/sellers.
BK>> With enough sellers you will be able to buy a kidney for $1000. To
LL> maintain
BK>> that we have to maintain a large number of people in poverty in this
BK>> country.

LL> Mormons are missionaries.  For example, Mitt Romney did
LL> his missionary work in France.  Not sure how many converts
LL> he made, given virtually every Frenchman and Frenchwoman
LL> was already a Christian.  But he did learn how to speak
LL> French.  And how to kiss no wait a minute Mitt Romney
LL> is a family guy and would never French kiss anywone ...

BK>> It's hard enough to get a congress owned by the rich to do
BK>> anything to help lift people from poverty, with a need for cheap
BK>> body parts there will be that much more incentive to keep a
BK>> large portion of the population poor.

LL> Not to worry.  With Obama everything gonna be free.

BOB KLAHN [email protected]

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