Osaka City General Hospital                             -*-org-*-

* [2011-06-04 Sat]

Walked open corridors B1-4F before bedtime.

Probably responsible for putting my temperature 0.1 over normal 37.0.

A little spooky as all abandonned, many darkened.

Didn't find morgue.

Particular interest: B1 nuclear medicine, 4F photography, staff

Made me think of RPG with infectious mutants, evil surgeons, and
angel nurses passing out masks for protection. Wish there was a
system that could generate a MUD area based on a quick sketch.

* [2011-06-05 Sun]

After dinner went up to 18th floor to get pictures from te highest
floor. Via stairwell found three higher floors.

PH1 ("Pent House", 19F): Peaked from stairwell door spare bed
storage, machinery.

PH2 (20F): Dark corridor, spare beds, incl. a "tank" bed, repair work
on ceiling leak (?), "dead" elevator that doesn't line-up with public
elevators below, light on under one door.

PH3 (21F): Helipad! Knew this must be here because visible from
below. Sign says door out to pad is electrically locked with an alarm
to the security center, so tried no further.

On 10F, discovered row of "no-entry" doors conceal non-public
elevator bank. Do they connect with the elev. on PH2?