Light Quest

This week I've been "shopping" for lightweight operating systems and
X window managers, in particular for my notebook PC, shiro. I've been
impressed with Ubuntu's easy installation and hardware support (I'm
running it on both shiro and my desktop, lixi) always found the
Gnome desktop a little bloated yet boring (though the NetworkManager
applet is a boon). shiro's also a bit sluggish (I suspect its CPU fan
and hard disk are not long for this world).

I decided to use my second desktop, jii, as a guinea pig. I've had
Plan 9 installed on jii, and although I am still fascinated by that
OS, I haven't had time, nor do I expect to find the time in the near
future to climb beyond the lowest foothills of Plan 9's mountainous
learning curve. Nor is the priority of playing with Plan 9 among all
my many playful and serious projects likely to rise much in that time
frame. I can always reinstall it when it does become a priority
(which I expect it will someday).

@prefix dc: <> .
 dc:creator            "David Meyer" ;
 dc:date               "2011-04-28" ;
   "Narration on my investigation of a lighter-weight OS for my
    home PCs." ;
 dc:identifier "light-quest.txt" ;
 dc:rights             "Copyright 011 David Meyer" ;
   "unix homepc linux distro ubuntu netbsd wm dwm shiro jii" ;
 dc:title              "Light Quest" ;