Language Like Sex

Extracted from discussion on RubyLanguage on WikiWikiWeb

HelpMe: I need a reliable language which lives in ordinary files and
has good up-to-date libraries and (most importantly) good up-to-date
web frameworks. Obviously RubyLanguage is the way to go. But having
used IoLanguage a lot, and also played with SmalltalkLanguage,
LispLanguage and IokeLanguage, RubyLanguage just seems BORING. Can
anyone help me get really excited about it please? -- JasonGrossman

It's like with sex - language is just a tool to achieve the goal. Ruby
is top-quality, but you don't want to get too excited about machine
tools. Sure, Makino Seiki tool grinder is cool, but do you need it?
Can it pay for itself? Do you own a workshop? Do you have a product?
Customers? Ruby is comfortable, but don't believe anyone who says it
is easy. Achieving full command of its power takes months for
geniuses, years for us ordinary people. Unless you are solving a very
difficult problem, stick with those languages you already know, or
PythonLanguage, which is catching up with Ruby comfort with every new
release. It is not the machine beauty, but the problem you are solving
that should excite you. If it doesn't, your gut might be telling you
that you are trying to do something else than you really want. Search
your soul and find a more attractive goal (not necessarily in the
realm of computers), and you will love the tools that help you to
achieve it. BorisStitnicky