Document: FSC-0040
Version:  001
Date:     02/23/90

                           Extended Modem Handling
                               Michael Shiels


       The purpose of this FSC is to focus discussion on particular
       problems in Fidonet(r) and possible methods of solution.  No
       proposed solutions in this document are intended as
       standards for Fidonet.  Rather, it is hoped that a general
       consensus will emerge as to the appropriate solution to such
       problems, leading eventually to the adoption of standards.
       Distribution is subject to the limitations listed below.

Copyright 1989, Michael Shiels.  All rights reserved.  The right to distribute
for non-commercial use is granted to the FidoNet Technical Standards Committee,
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Modem Handling

The current nodelist doesn't provide enought information for really fancy
handling of modems and connections.  With the advent of line sharing between
modems/faxes certain additions to the nodelist flags are required.

I am currently writing a product which will handle and use the following codes

Y.... where .... can consist of the hardware protocols the modem understands
   A   300 V.21          > Usually one of these flags would be present to
   B   300 Bell 103      > designate the chosen 300 baud hardware protocol
   C  1200 V.22 or Bell 212A
   D  2400 V.22bis
   E  9600 V.29
   F  9600 V.32
   G  9600 V.32 non-trellis coded
   H 14400 V.32bis
   N 19200 PEP
   O  9600 HST 9600/300 backchannel
   P  9600 HST 9600/450 backchannel
   Q 14400 HST 14400/450 backchannel

Z.... where .... can consist of the software protocols the modem understands
   A   MNP1    Block mode (half duplex)
   B   MNP2    Stream mode (full duplex)
   C   MNP3    Stream mode with Start/Stop bit striping
   D   MNP4    Stream mode with Start/Stop bit striping and large packet sizes
   E   MNP5    Data compression
   F   MNP6
   G   MNP7
   H   MNP8
   I   MNP9
   J   MNP10
   K   MNP11   ????
   L   MNP12   ????
   M   MNP13   ????
   N   V.42 or LAP-M
   O   V.42bis
   P   LAP-B   Hayes V9600
   V   Non-fully compatible MNP (S15 bit 6 on an USR HST)
   W   No Guard tone
   X   550Hz Guard tone (some European countries)
   Y   1800Hz Guard tone (UK, some Commonwealth countries)
   Z   Do reverse carrier processing when dialing this node

I am in the process of designing a very sophisticated modem dialing language
and would like to propose the following additions to the node list
to help facilitate better modem/line handling with the advent of
different modem standards etc.