Things That Go 'BOOM' and Other Stuff That Rulez
                                 Issue Four

                                 Written by
                            High Wizard Cerberus
                                 Count Zero
                             Shroud of Deception
                             Gut Shoveler (Gutz)

WARNING: Don't try this at home.  If you're stupid enough to try any of this
shit, we're not responsible.  We aren't gonna pay your hospital bills because
you blew off your thumb.  We'll just laugh at you.  WE AREN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR

No, you don't have to go to an occult board to find information on casting
AD&D (tm) spells.  We are now going to reveal some of the greatest secrets
unknown to mortal men for so very very many milenium.  This issue of BOOM
is dedicated to teaching you apprentice fire elementalists a few spells.
Remember, if the gods don't like you and cause your spells to backfire, it
ain't our fault.

Magic Missile (Wizard 1st level):
 This idea is from Sophere who sugested it as a replacement for the rockets
 used in 'Pin the Rocket on the Moron' (issue 3).  We really don't think
 you should do that.  But, you can if you want to.  Remember, if you get hurt
 it ain't our fault.
Spell Components:
 1 multi-staged rocket engine
 some gunpowder
 some good duck tape
 1 rocket igniter
 Take the mulit-staged rocket engine and put gunpowder in the end opposite to
 the one you ignite.  Now, cover the end you put the gun powder in with duck
 tape.  Ignite the engine and run.
A Brief Lesson on Rocket Engines:
 Rocket engines come in two kinds: one stage and multi-stage.  One stage
 engines just run out of power and die.  Multi-stage engines run out of fuel
 and then set off a small explosion design to start the next engine (or for
 this experiment, the gun powder).  This is why you need a multi-stage
 engine.  Rocket engines also have different sizes: A, B, C, and D are the
 most common and most easily accessable.  Some small companies also produce
 larger (E, F, and G) engines.  For this project we recommend A's and B's.
 The larger engines would make the rocket travel too far before exploding.

Burning Hands (Wizard 1st level):
 This spell is most definitely NOT recommended for novice spell casters.
 Only high level casters are able to cast this spell without injuring
Spell Components:
 lots of holy fire water (gasoline)
 1 disposable magic fire wand (or one of the permenant Zippo variety)
 Dip your hand into the holy fire water.  This is to purify your hand so it
 can recieve the gift of fire from the magic fire wand.  After your hand has
 been purified, light the magic fire wand and touch it to your palm.  Your
 hand now has the power to start small fires.  If you are only a novice spell
 caster, you will now feel some slight discomfort.  This is why this spell is
 only recommended for experienced fire elementalists.

Flaming Sphere (Wizard 2nd level):
 The Flaming Sphere spell creates a burning globe within ten yards of the
 caster (usually right next to him/her).  Flammable substances are set afire
 by contact with the sphere.
Spell Components:
 1 large ball of cotton (or other fabric)
 some vasoline
 1 disposable magic fire wand (or one of the permenant Zippo variety)
 Depending on the size of the sphere you wish to create, you may wish to
 soak the fabric in holy fire water before beginning.  Afterwards, you cover
 the fabric (soaked or not) in vasoline.  Make sure you have lots of vasoline
 as this is what controls the spell duration.  Then, add holy fire water
 and/or holy fire powder to taste.  Light the sphere with your magic fire
 wand and run (or fly away on your magic carpet).

Flame Arrow (Wizard 3rd level):
 This spell enables the wizard to turn normal arrows or crossbow bolts into
 magical flaming missiles.
Spell Components:
 1 arrow (or crossbow bolt)
 some of which ever mixture you choose (see list below)
 1 disposable magic fire wand (or one of the permenant Zippo variety)
 Cover the arrow (or crossbow bolt) with the mixture you elect to use.  Then,
 light the tip of the arrow with your magic fire wand.  Afterwards, load up
 the arrow and fire it.  Watch out though, this spell has one wierd side
 effect.  Whoever you hit (if you're lucky enough to hit anyone) will be very
 pissed off at you.  This spell has been known to cause frenzy and/or raise
 the target's morale to 20.  In other words, get ready to run the hell away.
 1. Chud (issue 1): Chud and it's varients have long been used by wizards for
    spells such as this.  It doesn't stick quite as well as the other
    mixtures, but it's flammability is high.
 2. C & C Hellfire Mix (issue 2): C & C Hellfire Mix serves an important
    purpose.  It allows magicians who cast Flame Arrow to save their arrows
    for later use.  However, mages using C & C Hellfire Mix do give up some
 3. Holy Vasoline Mixture (this issue): The vasoline and holy fire water mix
    listed under Wall of Fire in this issue also works well in the Flame
    Arrow spell.  It is quite possibly the best mixture of flammability and
    sticking power that can be achieved.
 4. Straight Holy Fire Water: Yes, you can just use holy fire water for this
    spell.  However, the spell duration is cut short.  Therefore, it is not

Wall of Fire (Wizard 4th level):
 Here are the instructions for the 4th level wizard spell 'Wall of Fire.'
 It is recommended that you have a quick escape route (car, magic carpet,
 ect.) from where ever you cast this spell.
Spell Components:
 1 part holy fire water (gasoline)
 2 parts vasoline
 1 disposable magic fire wand (or one of the permenant Zippo variety)
 Mix the gasoline and vasoline together in your enchanted kettle.  Make sure
 to stir them up real good.  If you don't, the spell will not function
 correctly.  Now, put the mixture on a wall (or other solid object).  The
 vasoline causes the gasoline to stay in place.  After you cover the wall
 with the mixture, light your disposable magic fire wand and throw it at the
 wall.  Be sure to say the magic words "Fire, Fire, Fire!" as you throw the

 Beware, further issues to come...