
tar zxf germ-0.4.tgz

Move germ.cgi and the dat directory to the directory you want them in.

chmod 750 germ.cgi
chmod 770 dat
chmod 640 dat/*

Make sure the  script's and dat directory group owner is set to whatever your
server uses to run cgi scripts.  This is often "nobody".

Edit germ.cgi to make sure perl is pointed at the right spot.  It's currently
set up for use at, which has an unusual location for it's perl
executable.  Edit the "Configurable Variables" following the instructions
alongside them.

Link to the germ.cgi using item type 1, so that it gets treated as a directory.


(Overly) Long Version:
Move or copy germ.cgi and and the dat directory to the directory you want your
phlog to be in.

Make sure germ.cgi is executable.  "chmod 750 germ.cgi" should do the trick.
You also need to make sure the program can write to the dat directory, so it can
write comments.  "chmod 770 dat" should take care of that.  To be safe,
"chmod 640 dat/*" should make sure your header, divider and post files are all

If you'd like, you can change the program's name to something like "phlog.cgi"
or "glog.cgi". Depending on your server's set up the ".cgi" may or may not be
required.  If you don't know, you should probably just leave it on.  If you
want to change the the program's type something like "mv germ.cgi phlog.cgi",
replacing "phlog.cgi"with the name you wish to use.

Make sure the  script's and dat directory group owner is set to whatever your
server uses to run cgi scripts.  This is often "nobody".  A simple
"chown :nobody germ.cgi dat" should do the trick.  If you're on sdf, unpacking
everything into your gopher directory should do it.  If you unpack it in your
home directory and move it to your gopher directory it may have the wrong
group id.

Now it's time to do some light editing of germ.cgi.  If you're not running
germ on, you'll need to change the very first line of the
the program; this will probably work: "#!/usr/bin/perl".

If you've changed the program's name let it know by changing the $name variable
to match.

Again if you're not on running this at the Super Dimensional Fortress, you'll
need to change $server to match your server's internet address.

You probably don't need to change $port, unless you know your server is using a
different port.  If you don't know what that means, leave it be.

Next you'll need to edit $base_dir to correspond to path your server will send
to clients.  If you're on sdf, just replace YOUR_USER_NAME with (you guessed it)
your username.  On other servers, this will likely be different.

Then you can edit $dir to make sure it is a full path to the directory in which
you store your posts and your header.txt and div.txt files.  If you're on sdf,
you shouldn't need to edit this.

Finally, you can edit $max_posts do decide how many posts germ will display per

Once you're done getting germ set up, just link to it as if it were a directory,
item type 1.

In a gophermap file that would look something like this:

1Phlog  /users/username/germ.cgi

Once it's up and running, consult USAGE to start writing posts.